Home Food Who will pick up the bill for greener food?

Who will pick up the bill for greener food?

Who will pick up the bill for greener food?

Climate change is putting ever greater strain on food production globally. The industry’s exposure to global heating is a long-term exponential threat. At the same time, the sector is a significant contributor to the problem. The food system is linked to 35% of total manmade greenhouse gas emissions, according to a recent study​. In the European Union, McKinsey estimates agriculture is responsible for 13% of total emissions.

There is now widespread consensus that the long-term outlook for food production requires a fundamental re-think in the way food is produced. “It is time to stand up, take responsibility and lead the change… As a food business we have a bigger role to play in society moving beyond the transactional,”​ Arla UK MD Ash Amirahmadi said during the keynote speech at 2022’s City Food Lecture yesterday.

“We can’t discount that we are feeding billions of people but that comes at an environmental cost,”​ he told his audience at Guildhall in London.

Reducing the footprint of food will require investment. The elephant in the room is the question: who will fund this?

A business case for spending on sustainability

To some, investing in sustainable production is a shrewd business decision. Wyke Farms, for instance, has invested in renewable energy production and the cheese maker produces all its own gas and power, with digesters breaking down organic waste into natural energy. In today’s energy climate, MD Rich Clothier said this decision is paying off.

“It makes good business sense… manufacturing businesses need to be energy independent,”​ he said.