Home Caribbean News A Cabinet Reshuffle in Jamaica

A Cabinet Reshuffle in Jamaica

A Cabinet Reshuffle in Jamaica

By the Caribbean Journal staff

Jamaica’s Cabinet has undergone a slight reshuffle.

The country’s Prime Minister, Portia Simpson Miller, announced reassignments of several ministers in a statement issued Friday.

The reshuffle, which takes effect on Monday, sees Horace Dalley assigned to the Ministry of Health and Dr Fenton Ferguson assigned to the Ministry of Labour and Social Security. Ferguson had been serving as the Health Minister, while Dalley had been serving in the Ministry of Finance and Planning.

Derrick Keller will continue to lead the Ministry of Agriculture.

Simpson Miller said she had “listened to the recent discussions and expressions of concern, some of which could have the effect of distracting from the very important focus of economic and social reforms.”

She said the country “must be united in purpose so as to ensure that the positive path that Jamaica is on will not be disrupted in any way.”