Home Food How do you take your coffee? Filtered, not unfiltered, for cardiovascular disease

How do you take your coffee? Filtered, not unfiltered, for cardiovascular disease

How do you take your coffee? Filtered, not unfiltered, for cardiovascular disease

Coffee, made from roasted beans sourced from certain Coffea species, has been consumed for more than 500 years. Today, it is one of the world’s most popular drinks, and the most frequently used central stimulant.

Yet the jury is out as to whether coffee consumption contributes to increased risk of ischemic heart disease (IHD) or not.

IHD, otherwise known as coronary heart disease, refers to heart problems caused by narrowed heart arteries. It is often associated with an unhealthy diet and can lead to heart attack.

In Scandinavia, researchers have sought to identify possible links between the amount and type of coffee – filtered and unfiltered – and the risk of total, cardiovascular, IHD, and stroke mortality.

The proof is in the brewing

Associations between coffee and IHD were first made in 1983, by Professor Dag S. Thelle of the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

Professor Thelle, who also co-authored this latest study, discovered that drinking coffee was linked with both raised total cholesterol and LDL – or ‘bad’ – cholesterol levels. Later, the lipid-raising components of coffee were identified to be the diterpenes kahweol and cafestol.

Experiments also revealed that these culprit substances could be removed using a filter. A portion of unfiltered brewed coffee contains about 30 times the concentration of kahweol and cafestol compared to filtered coffee.

“We wondered whether this effect on cholesterol would result in more heart attacks and death from heart disease,” ​explained the professor. “But it was unethical to do a trial randomising people to drink coffee or not. So we set up a large population study and several decades later we are reporting the results.”