Home Food How war in Ukraine has become a battle over the future of meat and dairy in Europe

How war in Ukraine has become a battle over the future of meat and dairy in Europe

How war in Ukraine has become a battle over the future of meat and dairy in Europe

The third meeting of the Agriculture and Fisheries council under the French presidency took place yesterday. Events in Ukraine dominated the agenda.

Roman Leshchenko, Ukraine’s Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food, joined the meeting via video link. This was a ‘very moving moment’, according to Julien Denormandie the French Minister of Agriculture. Leschchenko, who was called away abruptly by warning sirens, outlined the support Ukraine farmers require: financing for inputs like fuel, fertiliser and pesticides as well as assistance to keep exports moving.

“During this very moving discussion with our Ukraine counterpart we also saw the support of the whole of Europe for ensuring food security, food autonomy. That applies to members of the European Union and also the European Union’s partners. This question of food security and autonomy was the subject of broad political consensus coming,”​ Denormandie said.

So, what consensus has emerged? Member States have come to recognise the need to ‘preserve our production capacity at European level’. In the short term, there is widespread political backing for a number of short-term measures to help manage surging input prices for things like fertilisers, wheat, energy costs, fuel and gas. The Commission has announced an impending regulation on private storage in the pig meat sector and the mobilisation of the crisis reserve under Article 219.

European agriculture ministers have also moved to ease ambitions on fallow land. “The Commissioner also announced the temporary derogation for using set aside land, fallow land,”​ Denormandie noted.