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5 Questions with … Zia Benjamin | Entertainment

5 Questions with … Zia Benjamin | Entertainment

Singer Zia Benjamin has been making waves on the local and international music circuit over the past few years. Her bohemian island girl style and sound has made it impossible to ignore her, and her achievements so far has commanded not just attention but respect and regard on the entertainment scene. Her breakout singles Rudie and Mr Neverman have been doing well, with Mr Neverman recently featured in US television series Maxxx. Pointing out that as an ambassador, she feels obligated to fly Jamaica’s flag high wherever she goes, Zia has already committed to doing even more great things in music. But just in case you are unfamiliar with the soulful, smoky jazz, retro dancehall, roots reggae singer, this week’s Five Questions With … grants you the opportunity to get acquainted.



1. For those who aren’t familiar with Zia Benjamin, give us a synopsis.

Zia is a multifaceted creative. She’s the light, the cycle of life and death, the harvest, a lion child … those are quite simply the various meanings of the word ‘Zia’ across a few different languages and I feel like as an artiste they all resonate with my inspirations and my journey. I’m a poet who likes to sing, who loves film (I’ve directed all my music videos so far) and who feels like creativity can impact the world. I’ve lived many lives: as a journalist, and as a musician and songwriter I’ve been given the opportunity to tell people’s stories. I’ve written and worked with some big names in the music industry, but I’m an introvert still, a real Virgo. I’m a big dreamer though, and at the end of the day I’m a Jamaican and everything I do is for Jamaica and my family.



2. Jamaica celebrated 58 years of independence recently. What makes you most proud to be Jamaican?

Jamaica is magic. It’s people are magic, there is simply no other place on Earth like it. I’ve travelled a lot, but I’ve never felt truly at home anywhere else. Jamaica vibrates on a different level, everything about Jamaica is vivid, vibrant, raw, real, unapologetic. Jamaica is like that beautiful girl who walks in and everyone stares, and even though she knows she’s magic, she really doesn’t know how much she impacts the room and the world. Every Jamaican is a star so you come to Jamaica and you’re visiting a new galaxy and anything is possible, especially things that seem impossible, we make them possible.




3. What drives Zia Benjamin?

I’m driven by the immense passion I have for my craft and my country. When you really love what you do, it sparks this burning desire inside you that becomes the driving force behind all you do.



4. What’s next for you in terms of new music?

I’m gonna be releasing the visuals for my single, Rudie, very soon and I’m also working on my debut project.



5. If you weren’t doing music, what other career path might you have chosen?

I’d have done film and probably documentary journalism. I studied journalism in university and worked in film for a bit. I still want to include documentaries and short movies as part of the Zia visual experience as I move forward. I also love fashion and art, so no matter what career path I chose, storytelling, art and music would be a part of it.