Home Lifestyle 3 Captivating Videos of Belize’s Great Blue Hole

3 Captivating Videos of Belize’s Great Blue Hole

3 Captivating Videos of Belize’s Great Blue Hole

With travel at a standstill, we may not be able to tick adventures off our bucket list but we can certainly look for travel inspiration during our downtime. With that said, the Great Blue Hole is a top must do in Belize. Not only on the bucket list for many divers as a premier dive site, it is also on the bucket list for snorkelers and adventure lovers.

Stalactites of the Great Blue Hole. Photo by Antonio Busiello/WWF

A national treasure and Belize’s most famous dive site, the Blue Hole Natural Monument is located in the center of Light­house Reef some 62 miles from the mainland. Affectionately known as the Great Blue Hole, this marine treasure measures approximately 984 feet wide and 410 feet deep. Deemed a world heritage site by UNESCO, the Great Blue Hole has attracted avid scuba divers from all over the globe, the environmentally conscious, and many other travelers to its depths. Even though studies have concluded it was a cave system that collapsed in the last ice age, it still retains a shroud of mystery. With stalactite formations that date back 153,000 years, one has to wonder about the secrets the caverns hold.

There are many ways to explore he Great Blue Hole’s magnificence, whether from its aerial perspective or below. Below, find 3 amazing videos that allow you to experience an adventure of a lifetime!

Diving the Great Blue Hole

The Great Blue Hole has become a famous dive site, both locally and worldwide. It is now ranked as number one on The Discovery list of “The 10 most amazing places on Earth. The experience is unlike any other. Descending through its thermocline is an expedition into darkness. As you descend down you spot giant stalactites, dripstone sheets and limestone columns, with sightings of  inquisitive Caribbean Reef Sharks and Black Groupers. 

Read more about diving the Great Blue Hole HERE. Looking to add more diving hours to your belt? Checkout the following Dive Resorts in Belize:

Flying over the Great Blue Hole

An aerial tour of the Barrier Reef and surrounding atolls presents a new perspective of the natural beauty with which Belize is blessed. Enjoy the awe-inspiring experience of flying over the Great Blue Hole with Maya Island Air. Read more about flying over the Great Blue Hole HERE.

Skydiving over The Great Blue

In Belize, there are only a handful of companies that offer skydiving on a seasonal basis. Sky diving over the Blue Hole is not an adventure done regularly, with special clearance and expertise needed. With it being not your average adventure,  gain your thrill from watching the experience play out in video instead! Read more about The Great Blue Hole HERE.